Monday 23 April 2012

Personal Update

 To all my faithful blog readers (all six of you),

It has been over a year since my last post and I thought that before I start in on it again, you might like to know where I have been and what I have been doing (if not, just skip this post).

Last November, I received my MA in Egyptian Archaeology (and so will be updating my profile shortly).  I have written a book and am currently searching for an agent who can help me be successful in that arena.  I am considering a PhD on the American side of the “pond” (it was simply too hard to be away from my family last year…can’t do it again).  Also, my wife and I are being considered for a post in Kenya at a school there.  I will keep you updated on this (which way we end up going).

UCL was a fantastic educational experience (which I hope to continue to share with you in the upcoming blogs).  I am very pleased with my dissertation (in the UK system they call the MA paper a “dissertation” where in America it is called a “thesis”…in the UK system the PhD paper is called a “thesis” and in America it is called a “dissertation”…just to confuse all of us I think).  I believe that much of the research I did for that will show up in my life’s work.  Currently, I am in the process of finishing up two articles (one scholarly and the other popular) that I will be submitting and will keep you updated on.

That’s enough on me.

As always, I enjoy reading your comments (although there are not many for me to read) and would love to discuss things with you (even if slightly off the topic).

Thanks for following and reading what I post (it makes the time seem less of a “waste” when I know someone read what I wrote).

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